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About Messer Cattle Company

Our Origins

The Messer family has been working with cattle for generations.

Meet the Family

Centuries ago, the Messer family came to America in hopes of pursuing a better life. "Back then," Mr. Messer states with a glimmer in his eye, "wherever your covered wagon broke down is where you built your homestead. That's why we stopped in North Dakota!" Coming from a small town in North Dakota, Mr. Messer's father was a big part of who Mr. Messer is today. His father would wake his six children at 5:00 AM every morning and send them to milk the cows, fix tractors, harvest wheat, and take care of acres and acres of land. Ever since those childhood days, Mr. Messer has stayed true to his roots. He later purchased Messer Arena and Event Center and used that to launch a dream... He wanted to invest into the next generation with a passion for culture. As his father did, Mr. Messer hires and trains young, upcoming Americans to have a strong work ethic, to believe in family values, and to learn how to achieve success with both their hands and their heart. Messer Cattle Company was created in hopes of teaching every generation that you really can have a healthy, purposeful life—all while giving back to the community. "Sometimes," says Mr. Messer, "the best way to learn this is through hard work on the farm. So, that's what you're connecting to when you purchase Messer meats: Generational Merit."

Hadeland, Norway
Messer Family Farm
Kiowa, Colorado
Messer Arena and Event Center


So...what is generational merit? Generational merit means that Messer Cattle doesn't stop with Mr. Messer. It doesn't stop with his children, and it doesn't even stop with you. When you're in a community, merit is distributed to everyone who shows up to matter what era of time you are in. So, we are coming to the table to ask a question, "Are you ready for the contribution of Messer Cattle to the world?" Mr. Messer puts a great value on giving back to the community. He believes that if you can impact one life, you can in turn, impact the whole world. Messer meat is truly about bringing the family back to the table. We all have our own lives, but when it comes to breaking bread with others, a meal is an important thing. It's there when relationships are healed, it's there when you celebrate and when you mourn, it's what you work for everyday, and it sustains your life. If a meal is that vital...wouldn't you say you should have the best the community has to offer? Our meat will be there to elevate that once in a lifetime engagement, that surprise birthday party, that first family reunion, and that special anniversary. Messer Cattle Company is here for you, no matter the occasion. We value a lot, but the biggest thing we you.


Always kosher.


1. (of food, or premises in which food is sold, cooked, or eaten) satisfying the requirements of Jewish law.
“a kosher kitchen”
genuine and legitimate.
“she consulted lawyers to make sure everything was kosher”


Quality is never compromised.


1. the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
“an improvement in product quality”
2. a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
“he shows strong leadership qualities”


Committed to excellence.


1. the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.
“a center of academic excellence”

an outstanding feature or quality.
plural noun: excellences